Thursday 26 April 2012

97 & 98

Did an all nighter in the library last night and got lots of work done! Exam starts in a matter of days! Very scary...

Day 97

  • bowl of seafood fried rice
  • orange
  • satay chicken 
Day 98
  • bowl of seafood fried rice
  • chicken salad with low fat  dressing

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Day 96

Lots of very productive revision today! Very happy!

Day 96

  • nachos
  • sweet and sour prawns with egg fried rice

Thanks lovelies!

Emma xx

Monday 23 April 2012

Day 94 & 95

Revising again. Did go to town to do some food/toiletries shopping. Between us, my housemate and I bought 48 diet pepsi's!

Day 94

  • 1 fig roll
  • Honey roasted cashew nuts
  • Chicken kiev
  • Crackers and some cheese spread

Day 95

  • Pasta salad
  • Nachos

Thankyou darlings!

Emma xx

Saturday 21 April 2012

Day 93

Day 93

  • noodles
  • 1 fig roll
  • 3 mini onion bhajis

Emma xx

Friday 20 April 2012

Day 92

Revision all day again today; I have a feeling that these are going to be very short until May 17th!

Day 92

  • cashew nuts
  • 1 piece of bacon
  • 5 sushi rolls
  • chicken burger

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 91

Busy day AGAIN! Lots of revision and then I made sushi :)

Day 91
  • 2 pieces of toast
  • 4 sushi rolls

Thank you lovelies!

Emma xx

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Day 90

Right, very busy day again!! So very quick, before I'm off to bed!

Day 90

  • 3 peices of homemade mini pizza
  • 1 nakd bar

This really isn't as much as it sounds!!

Thankyou darlings!

Emma xx

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Day 89

So finished one set of notes, which is brilliant! Although I am sick of writing now, I'm starting to get a dent in my finger! Anyways, I'm tired now and my laptop is about to run out of battery, so straight to the point...

Day 89

  • 2 pieces of toast with margarine
  • shrimp flavoured crisps
  • homemade mini pizza with chorizo, chicken and olives

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Monday 16 April 2012

Day 88

Simple day, spent in front of the TV revising, was nice! But boring, so stupidly ate out of boredom! Anyways, I have decided I want to be 105 pounds, which is the lowest end of the BMI healthy weight scale, but I have been there before, and it's when I looked my best - I was never to slim. Also I don't know if i had said this before, but a couple of weeks ago I tried on my sisters jeans (which were a size 10) and they fitted me!! which means...I'M A SIZE 10!! which is a big change from a size 16! It may have just been that pair, but still, it made me so happy! And I won't be buying any more clothes until I'm at a stable weight, but a new bikini is a must! 

But I also watched made in Chelsea, which was good because seeing Millie Macintosh was good motivation, she is perfectly slim! and stunning as here are a few pics if any of you don't know who she is.

and an underwear shot, to see her lovely smooth stomach!

Would like a little bit more boob though, but I'd rather have a beautifully flat stomach then boobs! Ans she is stunning as she is! 

Day 88

  • 2 fig rolls (still need help poo-ing)
  • 2 wagon wheels (I blame revision!)
  • 2 slices of bread with broken up burger and grilled cheese on
So it is quite a lot! But it will even out, it's mostly out of boredom!

Thank you lovelies!

Emma xx

Sunday 15 April 2012

Days 84, 85, 86 & 87

Again I haven't written for a while! Although I have been ill, I think I have the flu :( But cracking on with the revision anyway! It seems like a lot, but no doubt my appetite will go down even more because of being ill!

Day 84

  • sausage roll
  • 2 pieces of pizza

Day 85

  • lasagne
  • pizza baguette slice

Day 86

  • scampi
  • cadburys caramel bar
  • honey roasted peanuts

Day 87

  • nakd bar
  • couple of mini vegetables samosas
  • chicken burger

Thankyou darlings!!

Emma xx

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 & 83

I cannot believe it's been a whole week since I last wrote! Revision is getting the best of me, I fear! So I'm back at home, the one where I grew up, and time is just whizzing past, between seeing people and working I have none left! I've been to dinner quite a few times, and I think losing track of time is making me eat a little more. I look a little bigger but the scales don't agree! I might just be being paranoid! Anyways, I'm still so much happier than before, nothing can get me down now, and I havn't cried once!

Day 77

  • 3 chicken nuggets
  • 2 fishcakes

Day 78

  • hot dog
  • salmon mayonnaise sandwich
  • peice of toast

Day 79

  • toast
  • 1/2 micropizza

Day 80 (Easter)

  • Roast (very mini)
  • 3 mini chocolate eggs

Day 81

  • fishcake
  • mussels & half chunk of bread
  • 1 peice of pizza

Day 82

  • 2 peices of pizza
  • sushi (salmon rice, edamame, chicken rice roll, miso soup)
  • battered lemon sole and 6 chips

Day 83

  • 1 peice of pizza
  • 1/2 chocolate egg

Blimey, writing that out makes me feel fat, that looks like loads!!! Think I need to do some more exercise...anyways, all is good!

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Days 71, 72, 73 ,74, 75 & 76

So I've been at home with no internet, I'm sorry! But I feel so much better about everything!! So I went to see Tessa on Saturday and she was (as always) fantastic! Immediately felt better and have been on a bit of a high ever since! I feel no need to take the prescription so far and am just feeling fantastic about everything, havn't had a down moment yet! I feel a bit sad that my boyfriend has moved back home (for work, only for a couple of months) but it's a different type of sad.

Day 71

  • cous cous

Day 72

  • bowl of cereal
  • slice of pizza

Day 73

  • peanut butter sandwich
  • grilled cheese

Day 74

  • can't remember, sorry!

Day 75

  • brie bacon and cranberry baguette
  • 2 slices of pizza

Day 76

  • chow mein
  • 1/2 crab baguette
  • 1/2 crayfish baguette
  • packet of crisps

I think that's about everything! 

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 30 March 2012

Day 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 & 70

Now that is a lot of days! Lots of revision to be and have been doing but also had to take a couple of breaks and take advantage of this beautiful weather! Obviously I went back home for the weekend which was lovely...but this means I can't remember what I have really eaten! I went to the River Cottage place in Plymouth, which although it was lovely, the mussels weren't that good quality and I have had better at home, but the seafood was delicious! Anyways, it might not be completely accurate because of my memory, but i will try to get it as accurate as possible, bear in mind as well that I have been very busy and havnt had a huge amount of time to eat.

Some of days 62, 63, 64 & 65

  • Mussels
  • mixed battered fish
  • fish fingers and wedges
  • pizza (best in the world but only 2 slices)

Day 66

  • 1 mini lemon meringue cake
  • most of a burger
  • 1/2 a homemade pizza

Day 67

  • 1/2 a homemade pizza

Day 68

  • chicken mayo sandwich
  • sausage roll

Day 69

  • half a bowl of cous cous 
  • a mini pizza toast

Day 70

  • 5 chilli rice crackers
  • 1 piece of toast
  • 2 spoonfulls of cous cous

So that's as much as I can remember! Going home tomorrow after my life coaching thing in Bath, taking a bit of work with me, but tomorrow will be exhausting!! 

Thankyou darlings!

Emma xx

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 58, 59, 60 & 61

So have been very very stressed over the last couple of weeks with the depression thing and all my coursework, so haven't had much chance to keep up with this, but it's in tomorrow and then I just have to stress about exams, which I am much better at! So on day 59 two of my housemates and I made a smorgasbord which is when you make a whole table full of completely random food and all sit down together to eat it, it was very very fun! So we had roast potatoes, steak pies, mini pizzas (which I made), some of my famed egg fried rice with prawns and chicken and then some lemon chilli salmon as well. Which also meant that over the next couple of days we had loads of food to live on and not all of it had been finished. And tomorrow I am going back home to the sea to alleviate some of the stress and see my family and friends which will be nice!!

So here is a picture of our smorgasbord with one of the housemates tucking in 
already! And this was between three of us...

Day 58

  • Squid in chilli sauce
  • 1 piece of bacon
  • 1 egg
  • chicken nugget

Day 59

  • yogurt
  • mini pizza
  • egg fried rice 
  • salmon

Day 60
  • mini pizza
  • mackerel pate on crackers
  • egg fried rice
  • cola lace

Day 61
  • steak pie
  • 2 fish cakes
  • hash brown
  • 2 cookies

Thank you lovelies!

Emma xx

Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 57

So I had my last hypno gastric banding today, had it tightened a little bit. I also spoke to Tessa about my depression and she has agreed to help me with that as well, so will update you in 2 weeks when it happens, even had a mini session today and already feel better!! So I am not going to take the pills yet and I will wait until afterwards if I'm not better. I am definately turning into a hypno addict!! It's brilliant!! And please remind me to do my photos, I keep forgetting! I have to do them in the morning before I eat anything because I bloat terribly!

Day 57

  • 1/2 a hoisin duck wrap
  • 1/2 a burger
  • small fishcake

My lovely family also came up to surprise me which was lovely!! Really cheered me up and we went out to dinner. My lovely mother is doing the hypno-gastric banding as well so she got a starter (two fishcakes) and I got a burger and we split them. It was wonderful!

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 56

So quick one again, after coursework I'll be back on it properly, promise!!

Day 56

  • couscous
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 potato
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 spoons of spicy rice

Now stuffed!! And have been up all day as had to go to doctors early!! Properly diagnosed with depression today but is in no way linked to my weight loss!! Given some medication but still in 2 minds about taking it, any thoughts?

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 55

Lots of coursework again today, so very quick one again.

Day 55

  • some couscous (with olive, sundried tomato, haloumi and garlic)
  • 2 fajitas

Thank you lovelies!

Emma xx

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Day 54

Stressed again today but I suppose that's to be expected! Feel like I have been up for so long but only got up at 8am and it's only 8pm now. Although I am wanting a large glass of wine quite badly!

Day 54

  • 1/2 cheese and ham sandwich
  • 1 tiny piece of pie (and I mean tiny!)
  • 1 cracker
  • 2 pieces of pizza

It's not as bad as it looks the pizza is the biggest by far!!

Thank you cutie-pies!

Emma xx

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Day 53

Today has been a lovely lazy day - the last one before the storm of coursework! And then exams because my exam timetable is now out!! But just had a lovely roast with the other couple in the house.

Day 53

  • potato waffle
  • 2 chicken nuggets
  • mini roast (pork, stuffing, potato, carrot, gravy)
  • penguin bar

Absolutely lovely!!

Thank you darlings!!

Emma xx

Day 52

So today has been okay, but been a bit down so gonna keep this short!

Day 52

  • meatball sub
  • piece of pizza
  • 2 chocolate bars
  • Sausage
  • 3 forkfulls of mash

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx

Monday 12 March 2012

Day 51

I had a lovely day! The boyfriend and I went for a lovely long walk with his camera and had a picnic. I have a dog at home, and his uncle breeds dogs so we had great fun when dogs started to play with us, they didn't want to go back to their owners!! But it was wonderfully sunny and just beautiful today! I almost didn't get up! But I think we are going again on Tuesday!

Day 51
  • 1 ham and cheese sandwich
  • 1 egg
  • 1 peice of pizza
  • 2 mini mozzarella sticks

Thanks lovelies!

Emma xx

Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 50

50 DAYS!!!

That's quite a while!! Have been binging a bit lately, but that is no good, need to get back on track! I will be thing for summer!! In another 50, I want a flat stomach!! I CAN do this!!

Day 50
  • 4 chicken wings
  • 4 forkfulls of bolognese


Emma xx

Saturday 10 March 2012

Day 49

Whoopsie, missed a day again!! But catching up now...My lovely boyfriend took me out to dinner which was lovely! But it means I ended up eating quite a lot, but nothing compared to what I could have eaten!

Day 49

  • 2 pieces of pizza
  • 1/2 an 8oz steak
  • 1/2 a burger (small half, boyfriend took the big bit!)

And that was it, but it all tasted lovely!!!

Emma xx

Thursday 8 March 2012

Day 48

So tired so just a list today...

Day 48

  • 6" sub
  • 2 fajitas

Night lovelies!

Emma xx

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 46 & 47

So I accidentally missed yesterdays because I have been bogged down with coursework, but I'm making up with it today. But I can't write too much because I still have more coursework to do, but tomorrow I will be back on form! I might even do some photos, however I am getting a bit of a bigger belly because of my sit ups and running. Apparently it's normal to bloat a bit when exercising, but my waist is getting a bit smaller I think!

Day 46

  • 6" subway
  • chicken kiev
  • 2 forkfulls of potatos

Day 47
  • 1 packet of Nik Naks
  • 2 pieces of pizza

So it still looks quite bad but it isn't, and I'm running every day (but I didn't today because of coursework) and I'm getting very very stressed out at the moment as well.

Thank you lovelies!

Emma xx

Monday 5 March 2012

Day 45

Mine and the boyfriends 2nd anniversary today! lovely day, just being in love <3 not much work to go with it, because I can do that tomorrow, but it's nice to have just a lovey day! We did go out on a date to a restaurant though, but I wasn't bad!!

Day 45

  • some chicken chow mein
  • some salad
  • burger

and that's it! But I'm so tired!! I just want to go to sleep now, so it's only you lot keeping me awake...and SOMEONE had their TV on very loudly...(they will end up reading this so it's okay, and I'm not really cross!)

Night lovelies! 

Emma xx

Day 44

Okay so I did miss yesterday bit it was a very busy day and I was very tired!! I got back to the house at 7 ish and somebody had bolted the door from the inside so you couldn't get in even if you had a key! So we ended up waking all the neighbours up to try and get a housemate to come down!! Then run, shower washing. Then boyfriends mum and her boyfriend came round so had to entertain them while Pete got his stuff done. Then had to do make up in the car on the way to gig, but ended up looking okay, even if I do say so myself! Then gig, home, chinese, bed! and that was it! And today (Day 45) is our 2 year anniversary!!

Day 44

  • piece of toast
  • 1 bbq rib (smallest one there lol)
  • smidgen of chicken chow mein

I think of BBQ ribs in the same way I think of chicken wings. The bone makes it look big but actually it's tiny!!! Oh and we got the chinese from a place that doesn't use MSG, so that was healthier and it means that neither me nor Pete will get a headache!!

Good morning!

Emma xx

Saturday 3 March 2012

Day 43

I haven't been to sleep yet so I haven't missed a day out! I am currently in the library doing an all nighter to try and get as much of my essay done as I can which will mean that I will have less stress later in the week and also doing it this way is actually quite fun! Today has been a good day for food, but I have been a bit grumpy, one because I woke up sad, which is never good and two, the library had no relevant book to my essay, not even loosely related ones. I did also go for a run today, but could only do 10 sit ups because they hurt so much, my tummy muscles are ripped! But I do have a lot more motivation for running at the moment, and I have Tessa to thank for that! 

Day 43

  • 1 packet of Nik Naks
  • 1 yoghurt
  • some egg fried rice with prawns and chicken
  • raspberry crumble bar

Not to blow my own trumpet but my egg fried rice is the best in the world - my mum agrees (but she is biased) but my housemate who is in the library with me described it as "euphoria in a box" which is quite nice, and probably the best compliment for my cooking I've ever had! 

Anyway lovelies, I bid you goodnight!!

Emma xx

Day 42

Can't believe I forgot to write!! Well I'm here now to do yesterdays quickly as I have only just woken up. Went for a run again yesterday (doctor told me I have to now) and a dog ended up chasing me, bloody terrifying!! Doctor said my blood is yeah....depression. Load of bollocks, I'm fine!! So I have to run every day for 2 weeks then go back. Which is good, because it means I have to do it!! But I didn't stretch properly yesterday and now my legs hurt.

Day 42

  • 1 egg
  • Rustlers burger
  • 2 fajitas
  • some prawns

In my defence, I was awake for a long time...I do need to start going to bed earlier and getting up earlier again now though. However I think I am doing an all nighter tonight on my essay to try and make it work.

Good morning :)

Emma xx

Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 41

So, today started off really well, but then I got really bored and went out, but I went out for a meal. To start with it was going to be a salad and a drink, then it was a meal and a drink. This was because the place we were going to go was full so we had to go somewhere else instead. So yeah...

Day 41

  • small bit of chicken (1/4 of a breast)
  • 2 olives
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 2 fried eggs
  • 6 chips
  • 2 pieces of ham
  • 1 piece of toast

So its still really not bad, but I'm still disappointed but I did go for a run today, and cleaned the kitchen, and did a load of sit ups, so it's still not as bad as I thought. Before I could have quite easily eaten four times that, if not more!!

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 40

So I already miss my boyfriend - I'm so bloody soppy! But I was right so far, I'm not eating as much. My boyfriend like very particular food, his favourite meal being sausage, cheesy mash and tinned spaghetti. Therefore I cook this once or maybe twice a week, that's what I end up eating aswell, whereas I would usually be more than happy with eating a small salad or a piece of fish, rather than a meal with lots of bits in...but my portions are about 1/5 of his, if not less...

Day 40

  • 2 packets of Nik Naks
  • Sausage roll
  • Piece of toast
  • Boiled egg
  • Yoghurt

I've also finished one of my assignments!!! S now I have 2 more to go, one next Thursday and one a bit later, but I'm not sure when...But I'm already a lot less stressed purely because this one was the hardest one for me (I'm no good at programming - it will definitely be my summer project!), but now it's out the way!

Night lovelies!!

Emma xx

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Day 39

So I have realised I have been putting some of the weight back on, but although its creeping back on in some places, its leaving others. But I do need to think more about my food. Let me show you my lunch...

This is a tiny plate. That is one chopped up carrot, 1/2 a boiled egg and 1/2 a sausage roll. I left 1/2 a sausage roll and 1/2 the carrots. What I'm going to do now is try and eat healthier food. I have ended up eating really unhealthy food, where as I could be eating a lot healthier food and shift this weight faster!!

Day 39
  • 2 and a 1/2 boiled eggs
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1/4 sausage roll
  • 2 fajitas

However my darling boyfriend is going away for a couple of days so will probably eat a bit less, purely because I wont be cooking for him. And I'll be stressing about coursework so will probably be in the library.

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Monday 27 February 2012

Day 38

I think I'm feeling more relaxed today, but I am still eating lots...well its more lots of tiny bits...but the coursework isn't freaking me out so much. I'm getting there which is good, and it's hard, but I'm getting there...Also, the microwave in this house belongs to ME and for some reason it keeps getting dirty and people aren't cleaning it. I clean it whenever I use it, but now I'm just annoyed so I have taken the plate and the spinny thing out so no-one can use it. If they want to use it, they can clean it. I clean that thing 3 times a week! It's not that hard to wipe it when it's wet, but it is when its dried on. Rant over.

Day 38
  • special chow mein
  • 1 sausage
  • small dollop of potato
  • forkfull of spaghetti
  • piece of cake
  • some prawn crackers

I have started cleaning now to get over my anger, so the house should be spotless in a week!

Goodnight darlings!

Emma xx

Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 37

Still stressing, but eaten less today, although had a few more prawn crackers than needed!! Feeling better about my coursework though, but so tired!! Haven't done photos, purely because I forgot and didn't have time, but will do soon. Also haven't pood in ages. Probably should...I have some natural laxative things but am scared to use them in case I react badly to them so have decided to take them the night before I am not leaving the house and the Asian house mates are out so I can get to the bathroom whenever I need to!! I'm not being racist, but it's a fact that they spend more time in the bathroom than anyone else in this house, especially two of them. One because she is Muslim and needs to do her absolution and the other because he has decided that he needs to poo before he showers, so will sit on the toilet for 2 hours a day until he does a poo...and when he is not showering he plays angry birds when he is on the loo!! So yes, not racist, factual.

Day 37

  • 1 piece of pizza
  • 5 prawn crackers
  • some special chow mein

and I think that's it :) So now I'm going to bed...

Goodnight lovelies!! 

Emma xx

Saturday 25 February 2012

Day 36

Still stressing from coursework...done quite a lot today but its annoying me so bad!!! This one has to be finished by march the first, or on this - day 41. But I'm getting there. 

Day 36

  • 3 chicken wings
  • small sausage roll
  • 1 sausage
  • 3 potato wedges
  • 1 bite of poptart
  • yoghurt

I think I'm getting hungry because I'm stressing. And I'm inside all day next to the fridge. Oh well, when this is over it will be better.

Night night!

Emma xx

Friday 24 February 2012

Day 35

So went to the doctors and they stole about 5 vials of my blood!! But yes, need to go back next Friday to get my results and talk about other possibilities. I'm still so tired! So I'm going to bed in a minute, I can't remember the last time I went to bed this early!! 

Day 35

  • 4 forkfulls of mashed potato
  • 2 small chicken fajitas
  • 1 yoghurt

Which is actually quite a lot. But tomorrow will be better. I have found that diet coke makes me less hungry and the bubbles fill me up :) Also I have huge amounts of coursework to do now. So as long as I have energy and diet coke, all will be fine.

Goodnight beautifuls!

Emma xx

Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 34

So I am very tired, hopefully going doctors tomorrow for blood test but they said my doctor was booked up until 8th March? I'm just going to have to hope someone else gets a free slot tomorrow...for my tiredness and moodswings and lack of concentration and whatnot. It could be a problem with my thyroid. And I got one coursework in, I just need to do the next two now.

On another note, I CAN'T WAIT TO BE THIN!! And it's going to happen this time, I have no doubt. My boyfriend said when he hugged me earlier he could feel my spine and my tops are starting to get baggy. But the best thing is that my boobs haven't gone down at all!! But I am getting horrible stretch marks but apparently they will go because I'm young :) and I'm moisturising them a lot. Anyway, I would much rather have stretch marks than fat!

Day 34

  • 1 cracker with cream cheese and salmon
  • 1 apple pie nakd bar
  • 3 slices of carrot
  • 2 forkfulls of mashed potato
  • 1 pork chop
  • 1 doughnut

So it looks like a lot but it is really not! Compared to the food I would normally eat - that is one meal, and I wouldn't be full! So I'm still doing good! 

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Day 33

So I'm not very well today, have thrown up a couple of times, but I think that's because of stress and exhaustion, not because I'm actually sick.  But coursework is stressing me out. One is in tomorrow, but then I have to be straight on the next one which is in on the 1st and then another one on the 8th. so after that, I will probably sleep for a week! Not doing very well in them so far though, but right now all I care about is passing!!

Day 33

  • 1/2 mozzarella stick
  • 2 pieces of pizza
  • 1 chicken wing

So not a huge amount but it's easy food, just open the fridge and eat type food. I still ate it with the chewing and texture thinking though!! Anyways I am going to bed...

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 32

Stressing about coursework today, but so nearly done!! It's exciting!! Even more confidence in myself today, its brilliant!! I just can't wait to get to the beach in the summer with my brand new bikini body!! Gonna be a quick one tonight again because coursework again tomorrow!!

Day 32

  • 2 crackers with light cream cheese
  • 1 mozzarella stick
  • 6 chicken wings (quite indulgent - but justified)
  • 1 piece of pizza

Chicken wings, when you think about it, are actually about 50% meat and 50% bone, so I actually had 3 chicken wing sized things, which is actually only about 3 forkfulls. Justified.

Night lovelies!

Emma xx

Monday 20 February 2012

Day 31 & Photos

So I did photos yesterday, but was so busy I couldn't upload them, and completely forgot!! I'm feeling a lot more confident than I usually do which is lovely, and I actually went to uni!! I am getting incredibly stressed out at the moment though, probably from all the coursework mixed in with the not smoking and hormones, but I'm literally going a bit nuts. Bursting into tears randomly and feeling sick because I'm panicking too much!! But I have an entire month left of this, if it is the coursework. But I'm thinking about going to the doctors to see if it's a medical thing and if not - I shall resort back to hypnotherapy (in my addict-like ways).

Accidentally got some of my hair in this one! But This week, although the stomach reduction is less, I think it's more noticeable around my hips and my wings are nearly gone!! But for some reason I was standing wonkily and although my boyfriend told me to stand up straight, for some reason I didn't. It may have been because I was cross with him for no reason and I was being stubborn...

Day 31

  • 5 pieces of mini chirizo
  • 1 sausage
  • 1 yorkshire pudding
  • 1 sausage roll
  • 3 squares of chocolate + an aero Christmas tree (tiny)

One thing we get told a lot in a session, is to not worry about our "indulgent" days, because skinny people have them too! I have a friend who has never been over 7st 5lbs who eats quite a small amount, but sometimes she will eat a whole tub of ice cream in front of one film!! So it's okay to have days where you eat a bit more and enjoy it, as long as you let yourself do it, push away any feelings of guilt and make sure you let yourself know that you can go back to small portions tomorrow. One other thing that is helpful is asking yourself if it's worth it - Is that doughnut going to make me more happy than being slim? Is that chocolate bar going to satisfy me as much as self-confidence? My answer is usually NO, and I'm sure most peoples is aswell.

Have to go to bed now so will wake up to do more coursework, so goodnight sweeties!!

Emma xx

Sunday 19 February 2012

Day 30

So okay day today, been very stressed today, 3 days to get my coursework in, so going to keep this short! Feel good now, but am mood swinging crazily though! Looked up reasons online and apparently I am either a druggie or depressed or mental. hmmmmm. DOUBT IT! I think its a mixture of hormones, nicotine deficiency and no energy (weight loss). Might be worth going to the doctor anyway just in case. For a sick note if nothing else.

Day 30

  • 2 crackers with light philadelphia
  • 2 olives
  • 3 fork of bolognese and 2 pieces of pasta
  • 1 piece of pizza

So back to coursework now but have a lovely night darlings!

Emma xx

Saturday 18 February 2012

Day 29

Had my "gastric band" fitted today by JD and Turk from Scrubs - in my mind! My stomach actually feels smaller! I absolutely love hypnotherapy now! I got up at 6.30 to get there at 10.00 and it was absolutely worth it! As always.

I need to reiterate again, I have nothing to do with the company I am literally just singing their praises because it has worked for me, and the proof is in the photos. And I briefly mentioned yesterday the fact that I got rid of my fear of heights, and it really has worked! Before I got scared if my feet were 2 meters of the ground. I took this photo while leaning over a balcony 9 floors up! - It's a restaurant!

So everything is working for me. I'm more confident in my self, I had two bus drivers flirt with me today and I'm saving so much money on food - and cigarettes! I think the fact that I have lost 1 and 1/2 stone says a lot anyway! And how I feel so stuffed after one doughnut! I still should probably do some exercise, but I'm just really not fussed about it. I've also realised my indulgent days (not allowed to call them bad days or naughty days) are actually what a small day would have been before I started.

My hip and knee have also stopped clicking! Probably because they don't have so much weight to carry around. But it feels good.

Day 29

  • 1 piece of pizza
  • 3 little pieces of belly pork
  • 2 olives
  • 2 pieces of scampi
  • 1 mini Yorkshire pudding
  • 1 sausage

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 17 February 2012

Day 26, 27 and 28

So I went on a trip to London and had no internet so I have to catch up quickly now. I love London so much! But it's going to be a quick one tonight because I have to get up early for hypnotherapy tomorrow. And I am now no longer scared of heights! And am an official hypno-junkie! 

Day 26

  • Cracker with Boursin
  • 2 forkfulls of scrambled egg
  • mixture of sushi bits (not much)
  • 1/4 of a carrot and coriander bhaji
Day 27
  • 1/2 onion bhaji
  • 1/3 of a chicken samosa
  • 2 prawn appetisers
  • 2 mini lebanese lamb parcels
  • aubergine salad on mini pitta
  • 1/2 mini haagen-daaz ice cream
Day 28
  • 1/2 sausage
  • 1/2 bacon
  • 2 forfulls of scrambled egg
  • 1/2 croissant
  • hash brown
  • 1/3 croissant with cheese and bacon
  • 1 chicken leg
  • Most of a Krispy Kreme doughnut

and loads of coffee in between! I have discovered the wonders of a Starbucks skinny caramel machiatto!  Yum! Anyway, I know it looks like a lot, but it wasn't actually that much! Apart from today - I do feel a bit sick now. But before that would have been a small amount for a normal day! Oh and I now weight 10st 2lbs! That means I have lost a stone and a half in less than a month! It feels good!

Goodnight darlings!

Emma xx

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Day 25


I know it's a corporate holiday and everything, but I love it. But no money so nothing happens, I did get a homemade card though. And am looking forward to tonight ;)

But today has been a happy day, getting woken up with kisses and whispers of" happy valentines day" which was wonderful and actually got me out of bed! But I am actually very very happy. But I would like some more attention (had to add in a sly comment for the boyfriend ;) don't mean it lovely). 

So I'm going to my hypno-therapist tomorrow, to maybe get rid of my fear of heights! And also have a lovely day with my parents who I haven't seen in ages. So that will be nice. And as my mums doing the same thing (with the gastro thingy), I won't get funny looks for eating so little!

Day 25

  • 3 crackers with Boursin
  • the tiniest slice of cake EVER
  • **something else that I haven't decided on yet**

So I'm getting good at this again! But I do fancy a little drink, can't afford it though. And a fag. Oh well :( But I am happy today! YAY!

Have a very lovely night everyone!

Emma xx

Monday 13 February 2012

Day 24

Okay day today, scared I'm getting a bit too confident and will start overeating, but I am not allowed to feel guilty about it. As I have already updated today this will be a little one.

Day 24

  • Little bit of tuna pasta bake
  • 1/2 a small naan with a tiny bit of tikka masala
  • handful of Doritos
  • 2 small chocolates

So you can see why I'm getting a bit worried, but it's still nowhere near what I used to eat! I'll be back on track tomorrow though. Hope everyone will have a lovely Valentines day, and remember - its not about presents but being with the person you love <3


Emma xx

Day 24 Pictures

Yeah, I was a little drunk yesterday so it didn't make much sense. I also had a bowl of salad yesterday but managed to forget that. 

So now it's obvious that I have actually lost weight. I know I said 6 weeks last week but I'm saying 6 weeks again and I think I will always say 6 weeks, especially when my weight starts to plateau. On the middle bottom picture I have that line down my stomach, and that's where I want to be! I also want my hips to start going down, because I can't see that yet. Although it's obvious my arms are going down and my under tummy crease is nearly gone as well! And in the first picture my bra was padded, so my boobs haven't actually shrunk.

I will update later on the day!

Emma xx

Sunday 12 February 2012

Day 23

So today I have been drinking a little bit, my best friend came to surprise me becouse my boyfriend suggested it and it was brilliant!! so if my spelling is a bit off please forgive me!! I am so happy!! I miss my friends from down south and my boyfriend realises that, so to cheer me up he tries to cheer me up!! I did split me knuckle at some point but I don't know how!!

Day 23

  • 5 pieces of scampi and 4 chips!
  • 2 mini chocolates
  • 6 doritos

That's it! So yeah, I'm not half bad! Didn't do photos today because my best friend turned up so didn't have time!

So I'm drinking quiet a lot tonight!!

Goodnight darlings!!

Emma xx

Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 22

So no photos today, because I forgot, but tomorrow I will! I'm so tired today! I need to get out of the house more so I can distract myself from all the lovely food! Also what food I have is running out, and I have no money to buy any more until March at the least! For two people! I'm sure I'll manage though. And have found out my boyfriend will be practically moving out for 3 months (to work) so that is nice, but hey ho, it's all for a good reason. But not happy about it.

Day 22

  • 1 piece of bacon
  • 1 small chicken burger
  • 1/2 hotdog sandwich (1 x frankfurter with one piece of bread)

That both doesn't look like much and looks like loads! Weird...anyways, I'm going for a walk tomorrow, which will be nice and will be a little bit of exercise which is good. I might have to have a yoghurt in a minute though because I'm quite hungry. But only a little one.

Goodnight darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 10 February 2012

Day 21

Right, so today so far has been quite good. Last night turned bad - one of my friends phoned me telling me about her problems and I tucked into the chocolate butter icing...But it was so depressing I think I was allowed. I'm getting very stressed out with coursework at the moment which should cause me to eat more but I'm trying to be careful and really think about it. I'm also feeling very very upset at the moment, for no reason and I don't know why.

Day 21

  • Most of an american style pancake
  • 1/5 of a pork pie
  • cocktail sausage roll
  • 2 olives

So really really not bad...

Look forward to photos tomorrow lovelies!

Emma xx

Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 20

So I know my food is going to look bad for today, because there is a roast dinner, but its really not, my plate was about 1/4 of the size of everyone else plate then only ate 1/2 of that! But I'm feeling good! I feel a lot more confident in myself at the moment. I also found out that when I thought I was a 36D I have either grown or just always had the wrong size, and I'm now a 34F!! So that's nice, I'm also less worried about losing my boobs when I get thinner. I was a C before I got fat but I think I have honestly grown a bit in the boob department. 

Day 20

  • 1/2 herring fillet
  • 2 Olives
  • 1 cocktail sausage roll
  • Mini roast dinner
  • Mini bit of apple pie and custard

Thanks beautiful peoples!

Emma xx

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 19

So today has been quite a good day. Haven't had lots to eat and have walked to uni and back. The main problem is that on the way there my jeans kept falling down so I had to put my hands in my pocket too hold them up. They are literally falling round my ankles if I don't hold them up!! I woke up at 7.30 today which was good, but when I got back from uni, I fell asleep for another 3 hours!!

Day 19

  • 3 cocktail sausage rolls
  • 1/2 a herring fillet
  • 1 forkfull of cake
and that's it. I might have some brownie later because it's one of my house mates birthdays and we didn't realise until earlier so I might him a giant brownie instead of a birthday cake!

Thanks lovelies!

Emma xx

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 18

So today I realised I'm probably going mental because I have 3 pieces of coursework in soon then exams after that and a million books I need to read. Once I realised that, spoke to other people about how far along they were and got started on the coursework, I calmed down a lot. 

Today hasn't been too bad on the food, but I am very hungry, but I think it's thirsty-ness in disguise! But that's okay, I do need to step up the amount of water I am drinking! I also need to start getting up earlier. If i can get away with it, I will wake up at 3, which is not good!! I think it's part laziness, part late night and partly that I have no energy!! But I can see the difference now which is good. The rashes on my legs are getting worse though, darn it!

I just cant wait until the next 6 weeks are over and I can go shopping for more clothes! I am going to have to be a bit stricter though, I keep slacking and eating out of the fridge standing up and walking round. I need to concentrate more.

So my resolutions are;
  1. Drink more water
  2. Get more exercise
  3. Don't pick out of the fridge
  4. Wait until meal times to eat
  5. Wake up earlier

And I think those are quite realistic, so that's better. Also I mustn't get too confident that this is working and go back to what I was doing before. 

Day 18
  • American style pancake with lemon and sugar
  • 3 forkfulls of mashed potato
  • 2 forkfulls of spaghetti
  • 1 sausage
  • 2 mini spring rolls
  • Spoonfull of trifle

That is all for the moment, but I might have a smidgen more later, but I'm not sure yet. 

Goodnight cutie-pies!

Emma xx

Monday 6 February 2012

Day 17

Right, so got the pictures up earlier. My mood is swinging massively, not quite sure why though. It shouldn't be because I have no nicotine in my system because I had a mini session and alternative therapy! But I swing from happy to sad every two seconds. And it better not be hormones either. Been good on the food front today though, but I do want to eat. 

Day 17
  • Low-cal yoghurt
  • 3 chicken wings
  • 3 potato wedges
  • one small piece of pizza (the widest bit was about 5 cm)

Will try to have less tomorrow, I didn't need most of it today I don't think. Will also go for a run tomorrow. Did a dance fitness DVD today but I couldn't make it through it. I just don't have any energy at the moment. Oh well. 

Goodnight lovelies.

Emma xx

Pictures for day 17

Right, here is the promised photo! There is a change which is good, but hoping for more of one next week, because I haven't been very well in the past week and therefore haven't really been out or exercised, but will do this week! 

Look at tummy size and my back wings and my thigh/bum, definitely a difference! If I can keep going like this then in 6 weeks I'll be happy with it :) I know there isn't a bum line, but it's definitely in line, promise! Updates later! 

Emma xx

Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 16

So I went to a buffet today (called Za Za Bazaar) and quite a few things happened. The first was that as soon as we went in there was a man passed out on the floor. Then I realised it was a terrible idea to go to a buffet with what I'm doing, but again, I don't want to miss out on a social event just because I want to be thin, and I was told it was only £5.99. It wasn't. Apparently over the week they have been raising the prices so it went from £5.99 to £12.99! Over double the price! And when I'm paying for two people and only have £12 on me, it's not good! But they didn't advertise it at all, just gave us the bill at the end and walked off! They also used to do student discount and stopped that without telling anyone. So I'm not happy, and will be writing a complaint because I'm not paying £12.99 for a golf-ball sized meal! But luckily the lovely, beautiful house mates who I live with paid some of the bill that I couldn't.

Anyway, with the food, I ended up getting a whole massive plateful! Because it's an international buffet (Indian, West Asia, Mexican, European - anything you can think of) I wanted to have everything. So what I did was just get a whole plateful and taking a small bite out of each thing and left the rest. So in the end I got a plateful and another one with a golf-ball sized meal on it, and ended up with a whole plateful of leftovers so at the time. I felt quite guilty but thinking back I didn't actually eat that much. And there was a street performer playing the violin on a tightrope! and he was really good at the violin! 

Day 16

  • 1 piece of bacon
  • Buffet (read above for explanation)
  • 1/4 herring fillet
  • 2 crab sticks
  • 1 pineapple slice

No photos today - ran out of time, and I'm busy tomorrow, so going to be a bit different this week, but I will do it on Tuesday.

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Saturday 4 February 2012

Day 15

Had my hypnotherapy today, which was really good, because she also helped me with my quitting smoking! I found it fine, and got there 20 minutes early and just chatted with one of the other early birds about our progress. Everyone seems to be doing well, a couple of people can see the difference but it hasn't come off their weight yet, but one person lost 3/4 of a stone!

It was bloody freezing today, and it started snowing! But I was walking around from 7.40-9.40 then from 10-1.30 in -5degreesC! But as I never stopped walking it must have been quite good exercise! I tried to go to the sushi place but it was too busy, but I met up with my old best friend who I haven't seen for a year and a half! So that was lovely...

So today in the session we met our anaesthetist and surgeon, and mine just happened to be JD and Turk from Scrubs. So when she said "you must put all your trust in your surgeon, but your confident that all will go well, so you're not worrying", I thought "Uh-Oh"!

So these guys will be doing my surgery in two weeks time! At the moment, I have just had my dinner and I feel uncomfortably full, but all I had was half a herring fillet! So that's a good sign...but this isn't pleasant, I thought it was the right amount, but it looks like I might have to try and half my portions! I do still need to get on top of the snacking as well, but I withheld myself quite successfully today when I was going past the market and saw the fresh samosas and onion bhajis and spinach bahjis and pork pies an pasties...yum yum!

Day 15

  • 1 small piece of pizza
  • 1/2 KFC wrap
  • 1/2 herring fillet
  • 1 olive
  • 1 Thornton's Sicilian Lemon chocolate bar
So not too bad today! 

Only had the pizza because I was in a rush to get out the house, but I did still chew lots and really think about what I was eating at the bus stop!

Look forward to pictures tomorrow!

Goodnight Darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 3 February 2012

Day 14

So, just a quick one, because I need to go to sleep. I have my next group session tomorrow (hypnotherapy) but I'm not quite sure where it is so am getting up at 7 to leave at 7.36 to be there for 10! Just in case :) I also might have to get some more gorgeous sushi while I am there tomorrow, from the best sushi place ever!

Today has been interesting, I have had lots of things to eat but not very much of them, so I feel quite bad. I probably did overdo it a bit today though, so I hope it doesn't show for tomorrows session. I'm meant to be meeting my surgeon and anaesthetist so I'll tell you how that goes!

Day 14

  • 1 marshmallow teacake
  • 1/2 cookie
  • golf ball sized portion of pasta
  • golf ball sized portion of coconut curry, but the sauce was a bit more
  • 3 slices of pizza
  • 2 wedges (homemade)
Yup, I definitely overdid it and now I feel awful, but I did want them so that's okay.

Night darlings!

Emma xx 

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 13

This is how skinny I would like be;

But with bigger boobs, I'm going to miss my boobs so much!!

I'm a bit worried about making a cake tomorrow, with the boyfriend, it's good because its fun but I'm a bit worried I will eat it all! But I don't really like cake that much anyway...

The problem is that I love food so much, that if something tastes good, it's hard to put it down once you have had a bite, but I'm getting better at it. And rubbish at the "waste is wasted whether it's wasted on your waste, in the toilet or in the bin", but it's better if I can give it to someone else to finish. The sushi I made the other day, I couldn't finish it, so I made one of my house mates eat it. I have written a list of when things run out so I know when to eat things by, for example, my pasta runs out tomorrow so I should eat it for lunch.

I'm also getting quite anal about the cleanliness of the kitchen and utensils so am having a big clean on Sunday. Things get left with mould on the bottom and it's disgusting. I realised  the other day that the best thing about food is making it and eating it is just a by-product, hence the reason I have put so much weight on since uni. Apart from really really nice things. Like Krispy-Kreme doughnuts, chocolate cookies, BBQ chicken wings, cashew nuts, cheesecake, Dominoes pizza (meteor), cheesy garlic bread and brownies. So I have to try and just have one bite of those :)

Day 13

  • 2 sushi rolls
  • 3 mini sushi rolls
  • 6 prawn crackers
  • 1/2 a doughnut
  • 1/2 cookie
Goodnight lovelies!!

Emma xx