Saturday 4 February 2012

Day 15

Had my hypnotherapy today, which was really good, because she also helped me with my quitting smoking! I found it fine, and got there 20 minutes early and just chatted with one of the other early birds about our progress. Everyone seems to be doing well, a couple of people can see the difference but it hasn't come off their weight yet, but one person lost 3/4 of a stone!

It was bloody freezing today, and it started snowing! But I was walking around from 7.40-9.40 then from 10-1.30 in -5degreesC! But as I never stopped walking it must have been quite good exercise! I tried to go to the sushi place but it was too busy, but I met up with my old best friend who I haven't seen for a year and a half! So that was lovely...

So today in the session we met our anaesthetist and surgeon, and mine just happened to be JD and Turk from Scrubs. So when she said "you must put all your trust in your surgeon, but your confident that all will go well, so you're not worrying", I thought "Uh-Oh"!

So these guys will be doing my surgery in two weeks time! At the moment, I have just had my dinner and I feel uncomfortably full, but all I had was half a herring fillet! So that's a good sign...but this isn't pleasant, I thought it was the right amount, but it looks like I might have to try and half my portions! I do still need to get on top of the snacking as well, but I withheld myself quite successfully today when I was going past the market and saw the fresh samosas and onion bhajis and spinach bahjis and pork pies an pasties...yum yum!

Day 15

  • 1 small piece of pizza
  • 1/2 KFC wrap
  • 1/2 herring fillet
  • 1 olive
  • 1 Thornton's Sicilian Lemon chocolate bar
So not too bad today! 

Only had the pizza because I was in a rush to get out the house, but I did still chew lots and really think about what I was eating at the bus stop!

Look forward to pictures tomorrow!

Goodnight Darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 3 February 2012

Day 14

So, just a quick one, because I need to go to sleep. I have my next group session tomorrow (hypnotherapy) but I'm not quite sure where it is so am getting up at 7 to leave at 7.36 to be there for 10! Just in case :) I also might have to get some more gorgeous sushi while I am there tomorrow, from the best sushi place ever!

Today has been interesting, I have had lots of things to eat but not very much of them, so I feel quite bad. I probably did overdo it a bit today though, so I hope it doesn't show for tomorrows session. I'm meant to be meeting my surgeon and anaesthetist so I'll tell you how that goes!

Day 14

  • 1 marshmallow teacake
  • 1/2 cookie
  • golf ball sized portion of pasta
  • golf ball sized portion of coconut curry, but the sauce was a bit more
  • 3 slices of pizza
  • 2 wedges (homemade)
Yup, I definitely overdid it and now I feel awful, but I did want them so that's okay.

Night darlings!

Emma xx 

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 13

This is how skinny I would like be;

But with bigger boobs, I'm going to miss my boobs so much!!

I'm a bit worried about making a cake tomorrow, with the boyfriend, it's good because its fun but I'm a bit worried I will eat it all! But I don't really like cake that much anyway...

The problem is that I love food so much, that if something tastes good, it's hard to put it down once you have had a bite, but I'm getting better at it. And rubbish at the "waste is wasted whether it's wasted on your waste, in the toilet or in the bin", but it's better if I can give it to someone else to finish. The sushi I made the other day, I couldn't finish it, so I made one of my house mates eat it. I have written a list of when things run out so I know when to eat things by, for example, my pasta runs out tomorrow so I should eat it for lunch.

I'm also getting quite anal about the cleanliness of the kitchen and utensils so am having a big clean on Sunday. Things get left with mould on the bottom and it's disgusting. I realised  the other day that the best thing about food is making it and eating it is just a by-product, hence the reason I have put so much weight on since uni. Apart from really really nice things. Like Krispy-Kreme doughnuts, chocolate cookies, BBQ chicken wings, cashew nuts, cheesecake, Dominoes pizza (meteor), cheesy garlic bread and brownies. So I have to try and just have one bite of those :)

Day 13

  • 2 sushi rolls
  • 3 mini sushi rolls
  • 6 prawn crackers
  • 1/2 a doughnut
  • 1/2 cookie
Goodnight lovelies!!

Emma xx

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 12

So today I've just been doing my coursework, what fun! Whilst watching Skins at the same time of course, otherwise I might die of boredom! Then had a lovely cooking sesh, and the boyfriends plate was about 5 times the size of mine! Feeling better about getting back on track today, might to a bit of late night exercising later ;) 

Day 12

  • 2 sushi rolls
  • 100g of a pie (if not less)
  • 4 forkfuls of mashed potato
  • 5 pieces of carrot

Anyways going to bed early because I have a super early start! 

Night darlings!

Emma xx

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Day 11

Last night I didn't have much sleep, but today I have been feeling fine. I had lots of fun with one of my house mates making sushi. Which was fun, but we kept eating the bits that didn't go so well and I couldn't really keep my hands off the crab sticks. Sometimes this was okay because there wasn't much rice in those bits, but it was so much fun. Also sushi is really good for you and is also quite filling. I made two sizes, the first was about 1 1/12 cm in diameter and the other was about 3-4 cm in diameter, but I'm telling you this because I got a bit carried away and made so much so I will be eating it for the next few days.

Day 11
  • 2 crackers with boursin
  • 4 mini sushi rolls
  • 3 sushi rolls
  • 3 meatballs in chipotle sauce
  • 1 mini slice of pizza
  • 3 crab sticks
Night darlings!!

Emma xx

Monday 30 January 2012

Day 10

"This morning was good, then I got up" - The remake of Freaky Friday with Lindsey Lohan in.

This is nicely appropriate for today, I had a lovely sleep, then I woke up, and the day has been up and down since! But now it is solidly good, which is nice :) But that might be the reason I have had a little more to eat than I usually would. I have noticed however that I am eating slightly more and more than I was to start with, but I am trying to get back on it. And I have my next meeting on Saturday. Also I couldn't resist have a little weigh - but firstly my scales are always wrong and secondly it looks like more and the scales need to catch up. So far I have lost 8lbs :)

Day 10

  • Mini cheesecake
  • 1 snow cracker
  • 3 lines of galaxy chocolate
  • 1 sausage
  • A blob of mash 
  • Teaspoon of spaghetti
  • 1 crab stick
  • 1 penguin bar

Stay beautiful darlings!

Emma xx

Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 9 & Pictures

This morning was such a lovely one! Last night I went to bed at around 6am so when I say morning, I mean midday! But I woke up so happy, which was lovely...Internet has been playing up all day though so when I have to do work and it can't be done, I get annoyed and overeat, but I didn't! I am however, surprised that I managed to eat a whole burger! 

Drama in our house today! It started last night - really random, but nothing to do with me but again, I would usually nervous eat, but I didn't! I did however, have quite a bit to drink last night so calories are probably not good at all! However hopefully I will be burning them off later ;)

I am quite hungry today, but I think it's because I want to nervous eat and my brain is sending me the wrong I'm not starving myself - I have eaten enough! and I have also drunk 3 litres of water today and it feels kind of nice, but I am forcing it, I'm not thirsty.

Day 9

  • 1/2 piece of garlic bread
  • Small turkey burger
  • Yoghurt
  • 1/3 of a white KitKat
  • Handful of crisps
  • 1 forkful of spaghetti boll

I have had stretch marks for a while, but I have noticed within the past week that they are looking quite angry and dark, but I have been told that that is to be expected, so I have some lovely smelling mango body butter to help keep the elasticity in my skin. And I'm hoping the stretch marks will go soon as well!

I should also let you know that I do have a problem with my spine (it doesn't hinder me at all - just looks funny) called lordosis. This just means that my spines natural curves are a bit bigger than other people - so I'm not slouching! Also it makes my tummy and bum look bigger than they are because they stick out!

I also have lots of lines appearing around my tummy which is a good sign of losing weight! At a first glance, the pictures don't look like they have changed much, which is why I have put a red line in so you can see where my tummy was before, and where it is now. I should also say that my boyfriend took these pictures and he is a professional photographer so the images are exactly the same distance away and haven't been shrunk or anything.

So here is the next photo!

Thank you darlings!

Emma xx