Saturday 11 February 2012

Day 22

So no photos today, because I forgot, but tomorrow I will! I'm so tired today! I need to get out of the house more so I can distract myself from all the lovely food! Also what food I have is running out, and I have no money to buy any more until March at the least! For two people! I'm sure I'll manage though. And have found out my boyfriend will be practically moving out for 3 months (to work) so that is nice, but hey ho, it's all for a good reason. But not happy about it.

Day 22

  • 1 piece of bacon
  • 1 small chicken burger
  • 1/2 hotdog sandwich (1 x frankfurter with one piece of bread)

That both doesn't look like much and looks like loads! Weird...anyways, I'm going for a walk tomorrow, which will be nice and will be a little bit of exercise which is good. I might have to have a yoghurt in a minute though because I'm quite hungry. But only a little one.

Goodnight darlings!

Emma xx

Friday 10 February 2012

Day 21

Right, so today so far has been quite good. Last night turned bad - one of my friends phoned me telling me about her problems and I tucked into the chocolate butter icing...But it was so depressing I think I was allowed. I'm getting very stressed out with coursework at the moment which should cause me to eat more but I'm trying to be careful and really think about it. I'm also feeling very very upset at the moment, for no reason and I don't know why.

Day 21

  • Most of an american style pancake
  • 1/5 of a pork pie
  • cocktail sausage roll
  • 2 olives

So really really not bad...

Look forward to photos tomorrow lovelies!

Emma xx

Thursday 9 February 2012

Day 20

So I know my food is going to look bad for today, because there is a roast dinner, but its really not, my plate was about 1/4 of the size of everyone else plate then only ate 1/2 of that! But I'm feeling good! I feel a lot more confident in myself at the moment. I also found out that when I thought I was a 36D I have either grown or just always had the wrong size, and I'm now a 34F!! So that's nice, I'm also less worried about losing my boobs when I get thinner. I was a C before I got fat but I think I have honestly grown a bit in the boob department. 

Day 20

  • 1/2 herring fillet
  • 2 Olives
  • 1 cocktail sausage roll
  • Mini roast dinner
  • Mini bit of apple pie and custard

Thanks beautiful peoples!

Emma xx

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Day 19

So today has been quite a good day. Haven't had lots to eat and have walked to uni and back. The main problem is that on the way there my jeans kept falling down so I had to put my hands in my pocket too hold them up. They are literally falling round my ankles if I don't hold them up!! I woke up at 7.30 today which was good, but when I got back from uni, I fell asleep for another 3 hours!!

Day 19

  • 3 cocktail sausage rolls
  • 1/2 a herring fillet
  • 1 forkfull of cake
and that's it. I might have some brownie later because it's one of my house mates birthdays and we didn't realise until earlier so I might him a giant brownie instead of a birthday cake!

Thanks lovelies!

Emma xx

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 18

So today I realised I'm probably going mental because I have 3 pieces of coursework in soon then exams after that and a million books I need to read. Once I realised that, spoke to other people about how far along they were and got started on the coursework, I calmed down a lot. 

Today hasn't been too bad on the food, but I am very hungry, but I think it's thirsty-ness in disguise! But that's okay, I do need to step up the amount of water I am drinking! I also need to start getting up earlier. If i can get away with it, I will wake up at 3, which is not good!! I think it's part laziness, part late night and partly that I have no energy!! But I can see the difference now which is good. The rashes on my legs are getting worse though, darn it!

I just cant wait until the next 6 weeks are over and I can go shopping for more clothes! I am going to have to be a bit stricter though, I keep slacking and eating out of the fridge standing up and walking round. I need to concentrate more.

So my resolutions are;
  1. Drink more water
  2. Get more exercise
  3. Don't pick out of the fridge
  4. Wait until meal times to eat
  5. Wake up earlier

And I think those are quite realistic, so that's better. Also I mustn't get too confident that this is working and go back to what I was doing before. 

Day 18
  • American style pancake with lemon and sugar
  • 3 forkfulls of mashed potato
  • 2 forkfulls of spaghetti
  • 1 sausage
  • 2 mini spring rolls
  • Spoonfull of trifle

That is all for the moment, but I might have a smidgen more later, but I'm not sure yet. 

Goodnight cutie-pies!

Emma xx

Monday 6 February 2012

Day 17

Right, so got the pictures up earlier. My mood is swinging massively, not quite sure why though. It shouldn't be because I have no nicotine in my system because I had a mini session and alternative therapy! But I swing from happy to sad every two seconds. And it better not be hormones either. Been good on the food front today though, but I do want to eat. 

Day 17
  • Low-cal yoghurt
  • 3 chicken wings
  • 3 potato wedges
  • one small piece of pizza (the widest bit was about 5 cm)

Will try to have less tomorrow, I didn't need most of it today I don't think. Will also go for a run tomorrow. Did a dance fitness DVD today but I couldn't make it through it. I just don't have any energy at the moment. Oh well. 

Goodnight lovelies.

Emma xx

Pictures for day 17

Right, here is the promised photo! There is a change which is good, but hoping for more of one next week, because I haven't been very well in the past week and therefore haven't really been out or exercised, but will do this week! 

Look at tummy size and my back wings and my thigh/bum, definitely a difference! If I can keep going like this then in 6 weeks I'll be happy with it :) I know there isn't a bum line, but it's definitely in line, promise! Updates later! 

Emma xx

Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 16

So I went to a buffet today (called Za Za Bazaar) and quite a few things happened. The first was that as soon as we went in there was a man passed out on the floor. Then I realised it was a terrible idea to go to a buffet with what I'm doing, but again, I don't want to miss out on a social event just because I want to be thin, and I was told it was only £5.99. It wasn't. Apparently over the week they have been raising the prices so it went from £5.99 to £12.99! Over double the price! And when I'm paying for two people and only have £12 on me, it's not good! But they didn't advertise it at all, just gave us the bill at the end and walked off! They also used to do student discount and stopped that without telling anyone. So I'm not happy, and will be writing a complaint because I'm not paying £12.99 for a golf-ball sized meal! But luckily the lovely, beautiful house mates who I live with paid some of the bill that I couldn't.

Anyway, with the food, I ended up getting a whole massive plateful! Because it's an international buffet (Indian, West Asia, Mexican, European - anything you can think of) I wanted to have everything. So what I did was just get a whole plateful and taking a small bite out of each thing and left the rest. So in the end I got a plateful and another one with a golf-ball sized meal on it, and ended up with a whole plateful of leftovers so at the time. I felt quite guilty but thinking back I didn't actually eat that much. And there was a street performer playing the violin on a tightrope! and he was really good at the violin! 

Day 16

  • 1 piece of bacon
  • Buffet (read above for explanation)
  • 1/4 herring fillet
  • 2 crab sticks
  • 1 pineapple slice

No photos today - ran out of time, and I'm busy tomorrow, so going to be a bit different this week, but I will do it on Tuesday.

Night darlings!

Emma xx